Salesforce Select * is finally here (kindof)

So I have long been frustrated by the lack of support in SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) for *. SELECT * is a pretty standard way in SQL to get all fields from a table or record etc. Sure it is not always the most performant and I would not reccomend using SELECT * in your code, but when your troubleshooting database issues it can be a lifesaver. This is especially true when you’re querying certain objects on the Salesforce platform like Knowledge__ViewStat which is hidden from the Object Manager. But now you can use the new Salesforce function FIELDS() to get all the fields from an obeject in a SOQL query. Thank you Salesforce for finally making this happen!

FIELDS(ALL) - Will get all fields
FIELDS(STANDARD) - Will get all standard fields
FIELDS(CUSTOM) - Will fetch all custom fields.

Example queries


SELECT FIELDS(ALL) FROM KnowledgeArticleViewStat WHERE ID IN ('1234567890','0987654321') LIMIT 200 

Checkout the full blog from Salesforce here.